Morgenstern — Morningstar 9. Just found this site its way awesome. So, gone on a bit but feel better for writing down my thoughts somewhere. I would be very happy if I have someone who I can talk about the lyrics and their meanings. External - Dec 19, 3. rammstein affenknecht

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Put into perspective the Germans have not behaved any worse than any other human group. Can you tell us who writes the lyrics? Emigrate — feat. Why are they not there, censored, etc?


Maya - May 28, I see the lyrical hero as a patriot, who loves his country. External - Dec 19, 3. Rein Raus — In Out Typhus you are indeed wrong. Laichzeit — Spawning time Moskau — Moscow 8. Jeder Lacht — Everybody laughs 0.

England has clearly contributed greatly to world civilisation, but it has also been responsible for great injustice and ramjstein, even fairly recently. Previous versions of this web You are currently browsing the fifth webdesign of Affenknecht.

I think the song is about Germany and more about the people who are running it right now. As in the UK there certain things going on shall we say that is dividing people and causing a rise in far right patriotism, nationalism and even extremism.

Rammstein_ (1) - Rammstein Affenknecht | Rammstein | Till lindemann

Webdesign of the website before 12th December Wiener Blut — Viennese blood 8. Mein Teil — My part 3. With translations, one term in one language may not translate directly, for example, Feuer frei!

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Germania is black in the video so that she represents the colors of the German flag black, red, and gold. It can be interpreted in infinite amount of ways. Monday, September 30, I was just trying to look up the lyrics on what I thought was the best source for sffenknecht information. Atrocities, genocide, conquest, brutality and barbarity in all of its forms.

Awesme, fantastic, not affenkneecht this world, cool, best ever etc.

About Affenknecht

Without in German means Ohne. If you affenkmecht just to release some kind of spam, your account will be deleted and your IP blocked Liability: I bought the double cd Rammstein in Amerika which is brilliant. Reise Reise Lyrics 1.

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I am also trying to learn German. They want to be different and that just rise up many people. Rammstein — Deutschland sense of the clip In the clip the history of Germany from the most ancient times to our time and even the future is displayed.

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Maybe use of the clinical — vagina and penis — would lessen the turgidity of the latter, the warm moisture of the former, and the incourse between the two. So many Easter Eggs in this affenknscht Hi, first time poster on here. Radio — Radio 3.
